Trina Pitcher | Workshops
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Facilitation: Leadership Development and Team effectiveness

Trina is an engaging and inspiring facilitator. Her approach enables teams and groups to move and become even more effective. She has worked with intact teams and open teams that are made up of diverse individuals from a range of backgrounds. She has facilitated before both large (60+) and small groups (12-24) on a range topics.

Topics include:

  • Leadership Development
  • Branding and presence
  • Team development
  • Courageous Conversations
  • Building resilience
  • Influencing
  • Strategic Thinking
  • Culture
  • Change
  • Team effectiveness
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Time management
  • Tailored programs

Trina develops people, teams and leaders as a whole by drawing from the emerging area of Positive Psychology and Organisational Behaviour.

She can provide the tools needed to strengthen leadership skills in motivating and managing employee performance with skill-building exercises along with state of the art performance feedback systems.

Trina helps people, teams and leaders understand current state and what they need to be even more successful. Trina’s programs develop teams and leaders so that they may flourish.